Monday, October 17, 2005

glory in tribulation

I'm convinced that when hunger, nakedness, physical abuse and imprisonment couldn't shake Paul and the early Christians, Satan decided to come up with something else, a tribulation so vile and monstrous that people quivered at the sound of it..... and here we have the origin of ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Yes, I know I'm being overly dramatic, and yes, I know I've brought a lot of my bad grade on myself but still.... its hard. Oh and as if an organic test on wednesday weren't enough, I have 3 more tests Thursday and Friday. You're probably thinking "why is he posting on his blog then?" Hmm... and to that i say.... nothing at all because you are stinking right... you always are.... thats why I come up here... ahh will ferrell.

Speaking of Saturday night live they had the best of David Spade on Saturday and it was ohh so good, except for the fact that I couldn't really enjoy it because I was studying organic chemistry... i can't escape. But hey, Auburn won, so its cool.

I'm really trying to stay focused on the ministry aspects of my life right now (this is just a random thought post in case you can't tell). I have pledge Bible study and Encounter small groups tonight, both of which are going really well. I have loved every minute of it. I feel so alive when I talk about the Word of God. Something in me just lights up and my spirit just clings to it. I know that ministry is going to have some part in my future (and it should with everybody, I just mean one of the five-fold operations- apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers as in Eph. 4:11). To what degree, I'm not sure. I could eventually just drop the med school pursuit and go to Bible school. Hey, it could happen... ah angels in the outfield.

Well thats probably enough for now... here's a discussion question for a future post:

What is "fruit" in the sense of "you shall know them by their fruits," and what is the difference between that and "do not judge?"




At 10:49 PM, Blogger Jon Mark said...

Oh, come on, Organic Chemestry can't be too me.

What? I've never taken it? I've never considered taking it? I'm secretly terrified of taking it because I know I would fail??

Oh, that's right...


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